Blossom & Buttercups

Give us a quick intro into who Sam Elson is....
I am a model, artist and voice over actor living in London, and a self confessed lover of a bygone era. I'm also a mental health advocate in that I use my Instagram as a platform to be honest about my mental health issues when I can with the hope that sharing my experiences might help anyone else who might be struggling.
What do you think draws you to vintage and a bygone era?
I truly believe that I have an old soul. I've always been drawn towards the early 20th century in my taste of music, fashion, literature, beauty and romanticism. My father is also in the military so I think that my experiences growing up strongly reflect the national feeling and attitude of those living through WW1 and WW2 in many ways.
What is your favourite era and why?
My favourite era is the 1940s. I love how put together the women presented themselves despite the poverty that they faced - I think that the attitude of making the best of things shows true elegance and grace. I love the comeradery of the time period and adore the music of that time. I also relate strongly to so many fictional and non fictional women that I've read about.
Do you have a role model/icon that you aspire to or admire (modern day and past)?
I am a huge fan of Lauren Bacall. I admire her ballsy 'this is me' attitude, which I think was ahead of her time and made her stand out amongst her contemporaries. Thinking of her encourages me to live defiantly, without shame or embarrassment and makes me determined to continue to progress in my own journey of self discovery.
You are very open about your mental health. What messages would you give to a young girl coping in today's hectic world?
I would tell her that everything she is is enough. I would ask her to try not to compare herself to others because everything in her own journey is important and will come at the right time, however it may feel in the moment. I would encourage her to to follow women who inspire her and make her feel good about herself. And I would try to stress that there will ALWAYS be someone who wants to help her, so to please reach out to people when she feels alone or scared or low...and if she can't do that, then to strive to be as kind to herself in those moments as she would a vulnerable small child.
It says in your profile you do voice overs... what is the most bizarre voice over you have done?
I've actually only just ventured into the voice over world, so I'll have to get back to you on that!
What do you love most from the new Lovett & Co collection?
I absolutely adore the Oval stone long bar earrings ruby and matching bracelet. They are the epitome of old Hollywood glamour with simple sophistication and just the right amount of decadence. Pair those with a gorgeous red lipstick and hollywood waves and I'll feel the most confident I'll ever feel.
