Harry and Rachel's Story

THIS February is Heart month for the british heart foundation
This month is heart month and The British Heart Foundation want to create awareness around heart and circulatory conditions, something that is very close to our founder Rachel Lovett's heart.
"The research can really help people like me"
Harry Lovett, Rachel's youngest son was only seven years old when he collapsed at an after-school football match, after having a cardiac arrest.
Fortunately a member of school staff jumped into action and performed CPR on him for about 15 minutes as another dialled 999.
An ambulance rushed Harry to hospital, where a team of doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to save his life.
Harry was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and fitted with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).
Thanks to advances in treatment, developed by visionary researchers, he was back in school less than a month later.
There are so many ways in which you can help make a big difference to people like Harry, things that will change lives for those effected and their families.
Did you know you can learn life changing CPR in 15 minutes from your phone? Or you can donate or fund raise in your local community.
'The Revivr app is amazing, its so simple to use at home on your phone. It took just 15 minutes. I feel so confident now, that if that day ever comes I will be ready to help save someone else's life. I would really encourage anyone to give it try'
Rachel Lovett