Let's all pull together

These are challenging and unprecedented times, we all need to pull on that great British spirit that has served us so well though past troubled times. It is with this in mind that we thought we would put together some good old fashioned fun things to do whilst we are at home or out for our daily walk....

Who doesn't love a bit of baking?
Great for involving the kids and bringing a sweet treat to the table. The classic one has to be a Victoria Sponge. This recipe is taken from BBC Good Food - go on give it a go. Click here
Not so Board Games
Personally I have just started to fall back in love with the simple jigsaw puzzle, this is a great de-stressing game that focuses the mind and is something (if you can find the space) you can come back to again and again.

Classic Cluedo - invented in 1944 it's the ultimate intrigue game and I love the characters, it's like being in a virtual Miss Marple novel.

Get Crafty
What is more satisfying than creating and making something with your own fair hands? We have found 'The Little Vintage Cottage' blog which has some lovely ideas for making things for the home. Click here

Outside Fun
We all need to get our daily dose of fresh air and this simple game is great for adults and kids alike. All you need is some paving or decking and some chalks. If you are home schooling you could through some maths puzzles in there.
We will be adding to this blog on a daily basis, but we would also like to hear your ideas and suggestions, please comment below....