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The Perfect Pearls

Pearl necklace

Selecting the perfect pearl set or a classic pearl necklace or beautiful pair of pearl stud earrrings is down to the individual and can be guided by personal style and also as homage to a family tradition or family treasures.

Never out of fashion pearls are the ever lasting piece of jewellery that often gets handed down through grandmother to grand children.

Pearls symbolize purity, innocence, wisdom, and enduring elegance, representing love, protection, and the mysterious depths of the water they come from, making them a popular choice for jewelry and gifts. 

If you are lucky to own real pearls then hold onto them tight. However it is now more the fashion to have imitation or glass pearls, these are more affordable and look just like the real deal. Most real pearls are farmed ethically and sustainably but glass is also a good option.

Girl with a pearl earring

The girl with the pearl earring.

Oil painting by Dutch Golden Age painter Johannes Vermeer, dated c. 1665

real pearls

It's really rare to find a perfectly shaped pearl, therefore the more expensive. These jewels of the sea are formed inside an Oyster. The Oyster is penetrated by a piece of grain or sand and the pearl is the result of the Oysters defense mechanism in 'fighting off' this intruder and the result is truly a beautiful example of Mother Nature.

freshwater pearls

You can have freshwater pearls or pearls made in salted water. That really is the only differance and if you want affordable freshwater ones they may not have that perfect round shape and will each be totally unique.

glass pearls

Here at Lovett we specialise in vintage inspired costume jewellery and so most of our pearl earrings, pearl necklaces and pearl bracelets are made from glass. This allows us to be affordable and also deliver on that classic pearl shape that everyone loves. Still quality handmade, from a distance it would be hard to tell apart from the real thing


You maybe looking for a nice pair of pearl earrings for yourself to wear everyday. Or you may be hunting for that perfect pearl set for your Mum or daughter? Maybe you want pearls combined with something else to add more interest?

the perfect 'classic' pearl set

If you are looking for the perfect 'classic' set of pearls then our beautiful matching pearl necklace and pearl earrings set is for you.

A classic graduated pearl necklace design that taipers around the neck with a crystal excrusted motif fastening with a delicate pair of pearl stud earrings.

This set comes beautifully packaged in a FREE velvet lined gift set box that makes it the ideal present for Mother's Day, a special birthday or just because day.

""Pearls are always appropriate" Jackie Kennedy

the standout piece

Our Miriam Haskell inspired 2 row pearl and crystal flower pendant piece is a real WOW peice. This would be for someone who likes to make an entrance and is not shy of attention.

Stunningly made with glass pearls and diamante crystals this piece can be worn with anything and will elevate your outfit to another level. Totally unique and truly one of a kind.

This also comes as a set with either matching pearl drop earrings for peirced or clipons

""Lace is one of the most wonderful imitations of nature. But pearls are perfect for every occasion" Coco Chanel

the audrey pearl choker

This beauftiful pearl and crystal cluster centre piece necklace is part of our Audrey Hepburn Collection, inspired by her role as Holly Golightly in 'Breakfast at Tiffanys'

A fabulous alternative to a simple pearl choker. This Audrey Hepburn Pearl Necklace is great for weddings and special occasions.

Again available as a pearl set with the matching Audrey pearl earrings or also our Audrey pearl bracelet.

the bridal choice

These stunning crystal an pearl drop earrings are perfect for a bride to be with a real nod to the classic but with a modern drop.

Elegant in their shape and length the warm coloir of the pearls is perfect to compliment an ivory wedding dress.

Romantic and realistic looking.


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